April 27, 2007

Life lessons

I guess I'm not very good at this blogger thing. I had kind of envisioned myself writing all sorts of witty posts about life, but everytime I've sat down to write so far, I just end of feeling kind of whiny and then sign on to facebook before ever posting anything. So, that's my way of saying I'm going to try and be better about posting updates and random ramblings...oh, and Britta, if you're reading this, you're patience post inspired this one :)
Life has been pretty up and down lately - normal post college doldrums (or so I'm told) - and I've found myself questioning many a time if I made the right decision to move home. I live with my parents, work at macys and have no social life to speak of. Umm, yeah...why didn't I move to Seattle with all the rest of my friends? So then I get depressed about that for a while until I remember that there IS actually a reason I decided to move home in the first place - to save enough money to allow me to move to France in the fall to teach English - oh yeah. Suddenly the tiny little sacrifice I'm making doesn't seem so bad. And then I realize I probably need to learn a little more about sacrifice, or at least realize that's what life in the "real world" is, essentially. Give and take, and learning when it's worth giving up something in order to gain a better something. But I guess it's a good lesson I'm learning. This is probably the longest period of time I've had to endure a not so great situation in hopes of acheiving a great one (ok, and "not-so-great" isn't really that bad at all). And that wait will only end up making the results that much better (hopefully). I found a great Bible verse that really sums up this particular struggle, which I'll share:
"So do not throw away your confidence; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised" Heb. 10:35-37. I don't actually peruse the Bible that often, but I think God might have had something to tell me because I was the first thing I stumbled upon when flipping through it the other day during a particularly low moment. I don't know that going to France is necessarily the will of God, but it feels right for the time being, so I'm going to go with that until he tells me otherwise. Perseverance seems to be the name of the game, and is something I'm not so good at. I like quick results, I like tangible results, and I tend to get distracted if my goal is too far in the future. That's probably why I'm not such a great distance runner (try as I might to be one). But I think I'm getting better (I don't really have any other choice!), and I think it's for the best.
Ok, this is getting a little heavy...and if I was more technologically adept I'd leave you with a compliation of scenes from "the office" set to JT's "Sexyback"...but I don't know how to add video to the end of a post, so you'll just have to check it out yourself if you're so inclined: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s8WUcnsIBT0



Britta said...

Meghan! First off, I love you! Second... I think you'd be feeling nearly the same things even if you did live in Seattle. Lastly, thanks for that bible verse... I'm going to post that one on the wall next to my bed or something.


rachel garber said...

Meg! I didn't know you had a blog, you saucy minx! I hate to tell you but being a year out of college doesn't make it any easier when it comes to what to do next :) When did you go to the tulip field of mt. vernon?