September 22, 2008

Why I had a fantastic weekend...

- Enjoyed a pint and sweet potato fries over a rousing game of scrabble with two of my besties.

- Went to Fremont Oktoberfest (a little bit of Munich in the middle of Seattle!).

- Rocked out with Rockband - I've got the medium difficulty drum part on Dani California DOWN.

- Ate Ethiopian food for the first time - lots of lentils. no utensils. love it.

- Spent lots of time with some super duper friends.

In other news, I'm pretty pumped to be officially moving up to Seattle this week. I've got an internship and a place to I just need a paying gig to round it out. Let's hope that last part falls into place quickly.

And finally, FALL is here! I love the crisp edge in the air. I love the reappearance of the pumpkin spice latte. I love breaking out the sweaters and the scarves. I love that Halloween and Thanksgiving are coming up.

Fall. Seattle. Fall in Seattle. Good times. :)

September 16, 2008

Love it.

"Someone needs to remind Sarah Palin that Jesus Christ was a community organizer and Pontius Pilate was a governor." goodnewsfortheinsane, a commenter on Mudflats, an Alaskan political blog, Sept. 4