September 22, 2008

Why I had a fantastic weekend...

- Enjoyed a pint and sweet potato fries over a rousing game of scrabble with two of my besties.

- Went to Fremont Oktoberfest (a little bit of Munich in the middle of Seattle!).

- Rocked out with Rockband - I've got the medium difficulty drum part on Dani California DOWN.

- Ate Ethiopian food for the first time - lots of lentils. no utensils. love it.

- Spent lots of time with some super duper friends.

In other news, I'm pretty pumped to be officially moving up to Seattle this week. I've got an internship and a place to I just need a paying gig to round it out. Let's hope that last part falls into place quickly.

And finally, FALL is here! I love the crisp edge in the air. I love the reappearance of the pumpkin spice latte. I love breaking out the sweaters and the scarves. I love that Halloween and Thanksgiving are coming up.

Fall. Seattle. Fall in Seattle. Good times. :)


Laurel said...

Hey you! What part of Seattle are you moving too? We should hang out sometime, catch up, I'm sure there is lots to tell.

Sunny Days said...

Hey! Sounds like things are *fall*ing into place for you! (Haha snort snort) So what's the cool new internship all about?

rachel garber said...

Hey! Congrats! we'll have to chat soon. I missed our weekly visit this past weekend :)