January 27, 2009

Little Rays of Sunshine...

Despite the dark clouds of looming financial ruin and the never-ending job search, I find that 2009 has brought with it a fair amount of sunny spots. For starters, my two roommates and I began the year by moving into a new house. It's a fabulous little number in bright yellow and orange. I'll try and post a picture in a bit, but for now I can't figure out how to make it not broadcast my address when I past the google map image into this post. So for now, just imagine it.

We warmed the house by hosting a rather colorful (literally) dance party:

I ended my four month internship with what turned out to be the best of the four resource packets I've put together. Not only that, but I met the former US Ambassador to the DR Congo, and reignited my interest in Africa (esp. the Congo and Rwanda).

And amidst the lows and feelings of despair that come from the incessant job search, and constantly teetering on the edge of being absolutely broke, I find the most encouraging people pop into my life. My parents, my aunts, my friends. The wonderful little Ethiopian man who drew my blood at my doctors appt. yesterday. Everyone is so reassuring that things will work out, that things will get better. That I am ok where I am. Lots of little rays of sunshine.

AND, I just applied for what sounds like the most WONDERFUL job. I'm not going to elaborate, because nothing's happened other than a swift reply on my part to the craigslist posting. But even the possibility of working at this place is amazing. Tune in later for developments.


rachel garber said...

I think about you ALL the time! I hope you are doing well! I think we need to chat again soon - oh so soon! We can fill each other in then!

Sunny Days said...

Got my fingers crossed for you!!