July 24, 2007

Summer Update

Based on my blog activity, you're probably thinking that nothing of note has been happening in my life since May. Not true! I reappear on the blog scene tonight to set the record straight.

June marked the half-way point of my employment at Macy's, and I've been counting down the days left ever since the 1st (five weeks as of thursday).

Near the end of the month, several of my best friends from high school made their separate ways back to Olympia. We're all on very different paths for our lives, but it's always nice to reconnect with people with whom so little changes despite long passages of time.

The last weekend in June brought my first (and incredibly overdue) trip back to glorious Bellingham since I graduated back in December. My old roomie Charissa and I decided to celebrate our birthdays together (hers the 3rd of July, mine the 5th) by spending the weekend in our favorite city of all time. We hiked to Fragrance Lake, had a beer at Boundary Bay, perused the Farmer's Market, kayaked the Bay, had lunch at La Fiamma, lounged for hours and watched the sunset at Boulevard and visited some dear friends - pretty much had the quintessential bham weekend. Damn, that city is a good lover.

July brought the beginning of my 23rd year, a year I'm hoping will be pretty good. I think it's shaping up to be (considering the majority of it will be spent in France ). The middle of the month was a lot of HOT weather followed by A LOT of rain. Thrown in there amongst the weather oddities another best friend from high school, Christine, returned from Austria; my parents and I hiked at Mt. Rainier; Lakefair came and went; the college roomies and I spent a wonderful (and hilarious) weekend at Mason lake; and - possibly the most profound moment of the month (or maybe the year) - Harry Potter 7 was released. Seriously, I can't even describe the excellence of Rowling's conclusion to the epic series! It was absolutely satisfying and so good that, yes, I have already started rereading it. She managed to tie everything up so artfully, and brought everything together without being trite about it - the story never suffered, the characters stayed true to themselves - pure genius. :)

Well, there's my summer. Sorry about the lack of photos. My computer has died, and thus my access to pics and such is somewhat limited.

Hopefully I'll post another couple of updates before September, but knowing me, don't count on it...

1 comment:

rachel garber said...

I love it!! You're still alive (and here I just emailed you asking if you were going to update...sorry). I LOVE LOVE LOVE Rowling's genius. I read something the other day that said she even has more background on so many of them she may one day write a Potter Encylopedia...which of course, I would own in about 2 seconds. Your summer sounds wildly more idyllic than mine...I'm happy for that!