February 23, 2009

Sometimes. Always. Never. (With thanks to Britta)

I sometimes...

- wonder if I'll actually achieve the things I've set out to achieve in my life.
- wonder what life would have been like if I had pursued dance from an early age.
- think about getting my MA in English

I always...

- am overwhelmed by the beauty of where I live. always. without fail.
- have about three life plans rotating in mind, each of which sounds perfectly wonderful, and perfectly plausible on some level.
- think about traveling - where, when and how.

I never...
- say no to chocolate. it's a serious addiction.
- manage to keep my room organized for more than a few days at a time.
- keep in touch with as many people as frequently as I would like to.


rachel garber said...

ooooh, love it! I am going to copy you in a few days - fair warning.

Meghan said...

good! i copied it too, it's a good one. :) can't wait to see yours!