September 21, 2007

I'm here!

I safely arrived in Paris about 2 days ago. I don't have a ton of time, but here are some highlights:

- FInd out my luggage is lost when I arrive in Paris. Annoying, but I'm too tired to care

- When my luggage does finally arrive at the apartment of the friends I'm staying with, I CANNOT for the life of me figure out how to open the door. Seriously, there wasn't a regular handle so I spent a good 10 minutes apologizing to the kind man from Charles de Gaulle airport, trying desperately to get the door open. I couldn't, he kindly ended up signing for me and just left it on the doorstep. Due to jet leg, this just about made me start bawling (but I kept it together in the end)

- My friends in Paris live within walking distance of the Eiffel Tower and when I went to get bread and wine with them the other night for dinner, the sun was setting behind it. C'était magnifique!

- I've been mistaken for French twice now. One guy on the metro started telling me about how great the film "Sicko" was and said I really should see it. He was talking about how messed up the American health care system is, and when I told him I was American he was super apologetic. I didn't mind at all (Lord knows our health care sucks) and had a nice little (very brief) convo with him about it.

- I've really suprised myself with the amount of interactions I've successfully had in French, let's hope it continues!

OK, c'est tout for now. More soon. Lot's of love to those of you who have wondered onto my blog to see what I'm up to :)


Laurel said...

That's soo cool that people are mistaking you for French!

rachel garber said...

Yea for Paris! I miss it there! I am so glad you updated your blog!!

Sarah said...

HA! i remember when I was moncao I couldn't figure out how to unlock the door.
the 10 year old had to teach me :D

I love hearing about your adventures!